See that tribe up there? That's my awesome family. I'm so grateful for my parents and siblings that are so warm, real, loving, courageous and bring so much JOY in my life!
And you might wonder "why is she talking about her family?" Well let me share a little aha! I had recently... In July, during the Yoga Teacher Training we organised in Chiang Mai, I was surprised to see how hard some students (usually the bright ones) were on themselves. How much they were doubting their own value. I was reminded that yes, low self-esteem is really endemic on this planet! Of course, I recognised that voice in myself too. I call it "I'm worth nothing voice" and treat it like an old friend that comes along for tea once in a while. I try not to identify with this voice and also not to push it away. Although this voice is in me, I don't let it drive my life. Later that week, I listened to a talk from Tara Brach, a wonderful Buddhist teacher and psychologist. Tara was saying that our feeling of self-worth is directly related to our sense of belonging. When we grow up not feeling rooted in a family, a community, a school or connected to nature, to which we feel we belong, we doubt ourselves. Aha so that feeling of self-confidence I have really comes from this incredible tribe I have back home... I know that whatever happens, if I ruin everything, fail miserably, make a fool of myself; I can always count on them. And this gives me the courage and the guts to follow my heart and to take risks. If I tune in to this deep feeling of belonging, self-doubt has just gone out of the window! You might not have a cool fam back home. But you might have one good friend, a community or a connection to nature (a big old tree or a cat for instance) that gives you the feeling of belonging. You know that even if you end up in the worse situation, you can count on them to love you unconditionally. So, if you have a moment of self-doubt, you can take a "shot of belonging" (just thinking about this person, community, ocean view, wild forest, ... and invite the feeling to arise) as a anti-dote. I wish you a wonderful day! Laurence PS 1: This week I will start to record 30min yoga classes that I will offer for free on my website (the bravest part of me is leading that project ;-)) so stay tuned! PS 2: I'm really looking forward to our paths crossing. Maybe on one of the retreats or Yoga teacher Trainings I organise...? See below for the goodies :-) Upcoming events
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